
Bontoc Tapis (Skirt), three panel wrap around skirt, woven on back strap loom
28" width x 59" height 
Origin: Bontoc
Weaver: Cathy Ekid
Bontoc Tapis (Skirt), three panel wrap around skirt, woven on back strap loom
28" width x 59" height 
Origin: Bontoc
Weaver: Cathy Ekid

The Bontoc people live in a province of the same name, Bontoc, in the central Cordillera mountains where they live in clusters of houses and farm on terraced fields. Traditionally, the women wore bright-coloured wrap-around skirts held by "pallasan" belts with flower designs and long frills at the ends. The men wore loincloths of similar weaves. The classic Bontoc colors are red, black, and white but, today, green, black, and white are also popular.